Centenary celebration

Saturday 17th June 2023

Apostolic Work Members from all over Ireland and our Missionary friends gathered at St Malachy’s Church, Alfred Street, Belfast to celebrate our Centenary year.

Bishop Donal McKeown Apostolic Administrator for Down & Connor Diocese was the celebrant of the Mass and was joined by Bishop Serverius Jjumba, Uganda, Fr Thomas McGlynn PP – St Malachy’s, Fr Martin Kavanagh SMA, Fr Damien Bresnihan SMA, Fr Derek Kearney SMA, Fr Liam Dunne SVD, Fr Charles L Kaweesi – Cistercian, Fr Fonsie Doran CSSR, Fr Brendan Kelly CSSR, Fr Kevin McHugh SSC, Fr Pat Colgan SSC, Fr Adrian Eastwood – Vincentian, Fr Jim Rafferty – Vincentian, Fr Billy Fulton SPS, Fr Paul Hardy SPS, Fr Paschal Kearney SPS, Fr Brian Byrne SPS, Fr John Brown CSSp, Canon John Forsythe PP- Randalstown

The Mass was a beautiful celebration of 100 years of supporting Missionaries in the developing world – the wonderful music was provided by the Organist and members of the St Peter’s Choir.

A special guest was Mrs Maureen Higgins who was a member when Mrs Mary McCall was President

We had a delicious dinner at the Europa Hotel, where we were also joined by Sr Clare O’Mahoney RGS, Sr Anna Landy RGS, Sr Noleen RGS, Sr Geraldine Henry DC, Sr Christina Quinn DC, Sr Maureen Carville MSA, Sr Catherine Magee MSA, Sr Susan Dougherty MSHR, Sr Jeanette Watters FMSA, Sr Anne Kilroy – Loretto, Sr Pat Hanvey – Loretto,

Friendships were rekindled, phone numbers and email addresses exchanged – A FABULOUS DAY HAD BY ALL

Fr Inti Xavier – Children’s Education Camp, Eluru, India
Mission Sunday celebration 2024

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