Fr Inti Xavier – Children’s Education Camp, Eluru, India

Naguladevunipadu is one of the poorest parishes in the diocese of Eluru. They are very poor economically, many families are broken, many children are not going to the school, many children do not know prayers. So it is sad to know the condition of the children. So I have decided to conduct the three day children camp. I gathered 270 children from all the villages of Naguladevunipadu starting from 8 years to 18 years.

  • As soon as the children arrived I gave them the breakfast, provided lunch and evening snacks
  • We divided them into groups and taught them the prayers, Christian faith, serving at the altar,  how to be clean, instructed them to take bath morning and evening, requested them to be regular to the church
  • We told them the importance of the study. Only study can make difference.
  • We sang and danced – we brought out the talents of the children
  • Most of the children are stopping their study from 6th class. The reason they say is that they do not have the support for the education. That is why, I helped them with books, study kit and school bags for only bigger children.
  • I prepared some children for the first communion and confession
  • We gave some motivational classes for a good life
  • That is how I made the best use of your money.

Money used for 270 children for the Education and Children’s camp.

Books, pens set 270 x 250           Rs/- 67, 500=  750 pounds

Geometry box   270x 100            Rs/- 27,000=   308 pounds

Exam pads         170x 40              Rs/-  6,800=      75 pounds

Slates for children 100×40           Rs/-   4,000=      44 pounds

Water bottle           270x 50         Rs/-  13,500=     150 pounds

The school bags     190×500        Rs/-  95,000=  1055 pounds

Breakfast                                                               Local fund

Lunch                                                                    Local fund

Travelling                                                              Local fund

Total              Rs/-2, 13, 800=   2, 382 pounds

A Big Thank you to Apostolic Work. My heart is filled with gratitude and love to you. You are doing wonderful service to the world. You are creating a better world with your help towards education. Thank you and thank you. Now children know you and they are praying for you.

With sincere prayers for all your help to my parish

Fr. Inti Xavier, parish priest

Naguladevunipadu, Eluru Diocese, India

Fr Brian Byrne, Cameroon – Education
Centenary celebration

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